Now that my days are filled with 3 hour intervals of very similar events:
Diaper changing
Tummy time
"Under the sea"
It's hard for me to remember what day/night/very early morning... Things happened. BUT in the last few weeks I can recall some events.
William has his first cold. BOO! The pediatrician scared me silly at his 2 week check up about what might happen if he were to catch a cold. As a result, I have been an over protective mother and kept him inside... except for the occasional grocery outing and christmas shopping. But when the school your husband attends is infested with the common cold it is perhaps inevitable the bug would enter our home. Thankfully it is just a virus and the Dr. isn't worried about it- assuming it gets better soon.
Many of you may underestimate the ability you have to blow nose. It might as well be a miracle, because without this trained skill you would encounter these.
Many of you may underestimate the ability you have to blow nose. It might as well be a miracle, because without this trained skill you would encounter these.
A basically medieval method of excavating your nasal cavity. First I drop saline into his tinny little nose and let it sit while I prepare a "medical turkey baster" to suck out anything inside. Naturally Will HATES it! but I do it, to help him breath. Poor little guy.
I never realized how many things babies have/use/need. Our tiny apartment has been over taken by William's belongings.
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"Under the sea" |
Day bed and swing |
Sometimes he likes to "rock" it out and sometimes he doesn't want anything to do with it. Depending on his mood, we have the chair to accommodate... just taking up space by the Christmas tree.
As you can see none of his stuff really crosses over for us to use ... Except of course, the boppy. Matthew has taken a liking to the boppy and has found it is quite essential in many daily activities.
While these pictures may or may not have been staged... they are taken from real life moments.
Sometimes Matt shares his beloved boppy with William.
And sometimes we even use it for the reason it was invented.
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William's nightly bottle with dad.... He was a little shocked at first but went with it. |
Bottle or not, it leaves him in a state of bliss and a food coma
I promise we usually support his head. |
Don't let that face fool you. He has also developed the talent of spitting up. He is affectionally refereed to as a jack-in-the-box at this point. Although instead of a creepy clown poping out....
Good thing I was wearing Matt's shirt!
It's also quite helpful that he now enjoys a good bath.
And I love the smell of a clean baby afterwards.
Yes he is getting a little chubbier. In fact at his last apt (5 wks) he was 10 pounds 1 ounce and 24 inches long. That is the same weight I was at birth. Don't know how you did it mom!
In short William eats, sleeps, poops.... and cries.
and we are having a blast.
So happy we are now a little family of three!
gah your gorgeous