Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2 Months older and chubbier too.

Two months ago at 8 am, I woke up with contractions. This morning at 8 I woke up to feed William and start our day. It's still crazy to me that I have a son but we are now syncing into a nice little routine.

He still spends a great deal of the day sleeping.

and eating

But he is now spending more and more time awake. Here is what he has been up to besides steeling our hearts with overwhelming cuteness (I'm bias I know)

"Under the sea" is still the coolest but he is getting much more vocal about it.

Tummy time is getting easier and therefore cooler too.

He has taken a liking to his Bumbo, although I think he might still be a little too small for it.

"little naked" In his chair

His hand is the most sought after snack between meals

Bath time is always a blast with dad

Before bath time Will is always up for a game of superman 

Yesterday was his 2 month check up and vaccinations :(

Nothing really prepares you for the moment when a nurse jabs your little baby in the leg three times with a needle that I swear could have gone right through his leg. He fell right asleep in the Dr's office afterwards.. thanks to Tylenol but it was a rough afternoon.

 Its hard to see the band-aids but it happened

Here are his stats for 2 months:

Height: 23.5 inches- 70% percentile 
Weight: 11 pounds 4.5 ounces- 50% percentile
Head: 15 1/8th- 20% percentile

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! We're back and need to hang out! :) I can't believe how big he is getting! Glad you guys had a great Christmas!
