The very next morning (October 29th) I woke up 8 am to my first contraction. They started out regular, coming every 2 mins but were very manageable and I could comfortably talk through them. After about an hour they turned less frequent (every 4 mins) but increased in intensity. The Dr was called and we were on our way to the hospital by 1130.
After we arrived the nurse brought me in to monitor my progression and determine whether or not I would be sent home or admitted. I had dilated from a zero (two days previous) to almost a 4 which was a positive, however as soon as I walked into the hospital my contractions spaced out even further. We decided it would be best to stay at the hospital but to get some lunch and come back by 130.
We went to "Cafe Yum" and instantly the contractions increased in frequency and intensity. I sat eating my Asian chicken salad trying to hide the fact from the others enjoying their lunch that I was in labor. For a hospital setting I sure got some weird looks by passers-by. You would think my stomach and deep breathing in a hospital might just give a small hint- maybe the Asian salad threw them off.
After I had devoured my lunch we had a little longer and I thought I would try walking the halls. Soon the contractions were getting stronger and stronger. We headed back a little earlier than 130... The cafe was on the second floor and I had to make it to labor and delivery on the 5th floor. I probably should have taken the elevator but pride took over and I opted for the stairs. If any woman would like to speed up labor, TAKE STAIRS! Oh man! contractions were so close together and so hard they took my breath away and I had seconds to recover.
This time I was not sent away but sent straight to my labor room. Now off the stairs my contractions lessoned but were still progressing. I was then told that due to a shift change she couldn't guarantee when the anesthesiologist would be able to make it in to see me, so if I wanted an Epidural I had to request it "like now". I requested him then.
After the Epidural kicked in, I was in bliss. I was also in a time warp and couldn't believe that it was 6 o'clock.
In this picture I had about 6 heated blankets on me. The IV made me cold and I started to shake but the blankets were a miracle and felt great. It was the first time in 9 months that I felt cold.
I was so happy that mom could be there.
With the epidural in place I could comfortably return to my addiction-Backgammon on my phone.
The epidural had slowed things down slightly so they gave me a small dose of pitocin through the IV. I was on the pitocin for one hour and then the Dr came in to break my water. Forty mins later I felt the sensation to push. The Dr was called and I was given the okay. Eight minutes later William was born.
Matthew was a champ through the whole experience. We had joked before that he might need his own IV to keep his fluid levels up so he wouldn't pass out but he was perfect and so helpful. I needed his encouragement and calm to pull me through.
They placed William on my chest and he looked up at me with WIDE eyes. I couldn't believe how alert he was as he stared into me and took in the whole situation. He started to whimper and grunt instead of cry. This concerned the pediatric nurse and they took him to the side to examine his lungs. From this point I am a little unsure of what happened but Matthew followed Will and the nurses. They told me that normally it takes much longer for babies to be "pushed out" and this actually helps clear out their airway and lungs. Because he came so quickly this happen but it could have been more serious and they were afraid of a possible infection.
They told me they were going to take him to the NICU. I didn't listen to anything the nurse told me regarding the explanation, I just started to cry. Matthew left with William and Mom stayed with me. They cleaned me up and gave me three stitches. My stomach felt weird and vacant.
I was taken to the "Mommy and Baby Recovery Room" They continued to monitor me because my temperature was feverish. I was checked a few minutes later and they determined I was okay and was free to go to the NICU. The nurse wheeled me down where I saw William.
He continued to improve and was brought into my room an hour sooner then planned- thanks to my wonderful nurse who told the NICU that she was perfectly capable of taking his blood sugar and reporting to them if they needed to be concerned. She was my favorite nurse.
Reunited! We were all in bliss and so grateful that William's little lungs had gotten stronger on their own.
I didn't want to stay in the hospital long. They really did take excellent care of me and I must say that the food was amazing (weird I know) BUT I can't sleep at all in those beds. So after William and I go the "okay" from our doctors we were allowed to leave. We left and looked at the clock to realize William was exactly 24 hours old.
Overall it was a wonderful experience and I am so grateful for a loving husband and mother to have been there supporting me. I am grateful for my sweet baby boy and that we are both healthy and strong.
William has giant hands and feet. The nurse was concerned that his feet might not fit on the card that they stamp.
I keep those fingers covered all the time because he likes to scratch his face off.
So adorable, I think I might have gotten a little teary eyed. This makes me want to have a baby lol. I am glad everyone is doing great!
ReplyDeleteYEA!!! I'm so glad he finally made his arrival! He looks awesome! I love his chubby cheeks int he picture where you talk about how he'll scratch himself up without socks on his hands! He is absolutely perfect Emma! Soo happy for you!
ReplyDeleteSo glad everything went well and that you are both doing great! I know what you mean about hospital beds, we were happy to come home too! Ahh can't wait to meet him!!