Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In advance... I'm sorry William

Last night Matthew came home from work and it didn't take long until both of us were in a laughing fit while Will sat sleeping in his chair. I don't remember what we were laughing about (probably something immature and not really funny at all) but I do remember stopping and saying to Matt, "Who put us in charge of another human being?"

If any of you know Matthew or I well,  you may have had similar thoughts cross your mind...
 But If there are any that need some convincing just take a look at the photographic evidence...

There is really no hope of our offspring being normal is there?

Everyone says that having a baby changes your life and it is never the same. I already know this is true and I am trying to keep up with my new mom responsibilities and demands. However, we have had a few  hick-ups so far...

Last week Matthew and I took William to his Dr's apt. It was his first time out of the house and in the car. Naturally I was packed and ready to go 2 hours before we actually had to leave. We had the appointment and everything went well. William was a little fussy after they took off his warm cloths and weighed him. It was feeding time anyway so I nursed Will in the room before we left.  After he was done I kept him just sleeping on my chest like this, covered by a soft blanket of coarse. 

I put Will in the car seat, still asleep and sat down in the passenger seat only to look down and see my bra completely exposed! I turned to Matt and told him it was up to him to make sure I was properly covered in public because clearly I was no longer in a mental state to be held accountable. I explained that this was a much more serious offense then forgetting to tell me that I have something in my teeth. 

An experienced parent is fully clothed... now I know 

Matt and I were changing Will's diaper (yes at the beginning it took both of us.) Once we finished we put him down for a nap and had lunch. About 1 min in Matt exclaimed, "Who forgot to wash their hands before eating...." Offended, I told him I had washed them. "It was me," he admitted. 

An experienced parent eats lunch without poop on their hands.... write that down

Dear William, I will embarrass you many times in your life due to my spastic ways but I will try not to be exposed or have poop on me when I do. 

... no promises though

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