Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Salt Lake City

There is a common joke among "law wives," that we are all single parents or widows. I thought at first, this was an exaggeration but after Matt's first week at law school I realized there is truth to this statement. I don't know how Matthew keeps up the stamina or energy to be in class and study 10-12 hours a day but he does. Often his studying spills over into the weekends or late nights so days spent with Matt and William together are a treasure. With this mentioned it might be less of a surprise at how excited I am for this summer to be approaching. No class, No readings, No ace tutor sessions, no meetings... I get giddy thinking about it. 

Matt had applied to many internships this summer in Vancouver, Washington, California and Utah but got rejected again and again. It seems companies are less then excited to take on a first year law student and pay them for their time. With summer getting closer and closer we were getting a little anxious. 

Then yesterday happened. 

We are headed to Salt Lake. What a relief to know where we will be living in 2 1/2 months! It seems this opportunity couldn't be more perfect with the type of law Matt would like to get into(water law.) Although Salt Lake is not the ideal location for us to end up permanently, we are thrilled to be closer to family and lets face it... I cried with joy knowing I will be going to the bombay house and the cheese cake factory every night for dinner. 

Although I HATE moving I think the indian food and cheese cake are sweetening the deal. 

Let the preparations begin.

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