38 weeks pregnant today and only 2 weeks left to go! It's hard to believe this time has come and that soon I will be entering the hospital where I will be the one delivering OUR own baby. Our car seat is installed, registered at the hospital, baby cloths are washed and folded, pediatrician is all lined up and the hospital bag is standing by, "Baby Wise" is read and sure, go ahead and call me anal. Even with all that prepared it is hard to grasp the reality that is so close.
Thats right its happened- I am wearing sweat pants. This picture was taken early in the morning when one might get away with such an outfit, but it is now much later and I am wearing the same thing. I have no intention of changing either.
Our Dr's office provides "Birthing Classes" and we signed up. Last night was the final class and we watched THE movie. Thats right, the movie that shows real labor and then birth. My previous stance on this event was, "My head and eyes are on this end of my body for a reason, I don't want to see that!" That and a general feeling of being too immature for watching such graphic footage. But last night I realized that I would soon be the woman in pain. I am not going to lie, if I had watched that movie before I was pregnant I would have giggled though it and at parts squinted my eyes away. Last night I watched in silence and even got a little emotional about it. Weird.
My last Dr's appointment was on the 11th. I was told that I was not dilated yet but that the baby was at a +2 station (meaning he has dropped deep in the birthing canal) With this information the Dr told me it would be very unlikely that I would go over my due date. Before he had checked me I told him that about a week ago I had quite literally felt the baby drop. It had scared me and felt like he was going to fall right out (if only it was that easy). The Dr was shocked the baby was that low and told me that that was most defiantly what I felt.
Lately I have also been experiencing the feeling of arthritis in my hands and feet. I wake up to swollen toes and soar hands. My dear father would appreciate this because it now hurts to crack my fingers so I really try not to. Not sure why this is happening but I just figure that all of my joints are loosening up and it must be kinda normal?
Now for a word outside of my uterus... Matthew is continuing to study day and night. I am learning some legal jargon as well and try to use it in my daily conversations like, "objection- leading" or "there's just no consideration" or "over ruled." Sure 2 of the 3 phrases are also explained in legally blonde but I am confident that I will pick up more as time continues so lay off.
Matthew is currently under house arrest as I refuse to let him play basketball. This is what he came home with a few weeks ago.
You should have seen us both that Saturday with our feet up wobbling everywhere. I told him I need my husband to be in full working order to transport me to the hospital at a moments notice. Although his foot /ankle look one million times better I'm determined to believe that it is still fragile and we do NOT need a repeat.
Also news worthy, we have taken "care" of the mysterious filthy monkey. It all started a few weeks ago when this monkey showed up unannounced and scared the day lights out of me as I open our front door and found the beast.
It was dark and hung surprisingly close to our front door. We put up with this monkey business for a few weeks, knowing it was the little boy's who lives above us. We soon realized however, that due to its location the monkey looked like it belonged to us. Not wanting to look like crazy monkey people we devised a plan of yanking him down and throwing him in the bushes. Matt set out to execute our brilliant plan only to quickly return claiming there were too many witnesses. We waited until the most perfect moment and then threw him in the bushes. He has since been retrieved but no longer resides by our front door covered in spider webs. Success!