William and I are very similar--outspoken, self-seeking and opportunistic. If you ever want to see your weaknesses highlighted, have children. These traits make it hard when trying to use them on one another. With our house on the market and trying to keep it extremely clean, finishing up my summer classes/finals and moving house, we sure became impatient with one another. Then we took a road trip across the country (plus some) to our new home. Everyone in that car developed a cold from lack of sleep, poor nutrition (love to hate McDonalds on road trips with children) and stress. September was a mess!
By the time October started we were in our new home trying to discover our new normal. William started Soccer and Pre-School, made new friends, got back on a schedule and we loved each other again.
William is a party wherever he goes. He has the amazing ability to meet people and be instant friends. He literally walks in to a new situation saying, "Hi friends! lets play!" I really hope he keeps his excitement for life and ability to adapt to new situations without reservations.
Despite being selfish and viewing situations on scales of personal benefits, William has the biggest heart. He is aware of others feelings and will usually help someone when their down. Unless it's his brother and then sometimes he'll kick him while he's down and then console him.
Ever day in October I was woken up to these demands
"Good morning mom, can I snuggle you?"
"Can you make hootnannies and bacon?"
"Can we go to the beach today?"
"Can we go to nanny and grandad's house in Florida?"
As a result we went to the beach at least once a week and I went through about 20 dozen eggs.
By the time William's birthday came around (29th) I knew exactly what he wanted to do that day.
A green cake
Nanny and Grandad
William fully embraced the birthday week filled with care packages form aunt Lindsay of green bow ties and Canadian chocolate.

Grandma and Grandpa Vickery sent William some cash to go shopping and you would have thought they sent one million dollars based on his excitement level. He insisted on holding his cash in hand the entire time we were in target. "I get to pick whatever I want because it's my birthday from grandma." While the concept of the amount he had was hard to grasp-- he picked out a bike, scooter, remote control monster trucks and a massive car transporter... somehow we finally narrowed our search down and he chose a Lightning McQueen car and helicopter.
His actual big day when a little like this.
Aunt Lindsay sent us a teepee as a thoughtful attempt to stop my boys from ripping off all the couch pillows and piling blankets to make forts. This has not been the outcome not but now the teepee is included in all the madness.

The teepee was a hit. It is the most favored hide-and-seek hiding location and runs a 98% probability that William, Paul or both are hiding inside. If there's any question you can just refer to the yelling, "I'm in the teepee, come find me!"

Birthday breakfasts have candles. Every year on their birthday I make a pancake in the shape of the number they're turning. I love traditions, especially ones that don't take much planning or effort. This year I had some left over whipping cream from Will's cake so we made chocolate whip cream to cover the pancake, which melted and mostly covered the four. He was elated.

After our nutritious breakfast we were off to the white sand.

Where we stayed until it was time for McDonald's or "Old McDonald's" to William. The things we subject ourselves to for our children!
After lunch we came home for a nap, because my four year old still naps. Hate me all you want because you're right, it is awesome.
When he woke up Nanny and Grandad had arrived
and so did this...

It turned into quite the haul on a birthday. I asked my dad why he bought William one of these when he never got one for me as a kid. He claims that he doesn't remember me asking for one. Just for the record, who didn't want a Barbie Jeep? amiright ??!!
Because my Dad ( David William 64) and William (4) have close birthdays (Nov 2 and Oct 29) we always celebrate the William's together.
William requested a "green cake" so I made the most delicious chocolate mint cake in the world! recipe credit: bon appetit and Michelle Davis for introducing it to me. I am serious when I say this is the most amazing cake ever.
Cake is a big deal around here
While the Williams played with the 4 wheeler all day, Paul and Nanny cuddled.

Matt and I had purchased a bike for William but we ended up giving it to him a few days later because he couldn't register anything besides the 4 wheeler.
By the end of the day I decided that I wanted to turn 4, it looked like way too much fun.
An interview with a four-year-old William:
What's your favorite color? "Red."
What's your favorite food? "Hoonannies and bacon and cherrios and hot dogs and I like ice cream and cake."
What's your favorite thing to play? "uh blocks and balloons"
What your favorite thing to do " I like to clean up." (no he doesn't)
Who's your best friend? "John and William Eckholdt"
What's your favorite thing ever? "I like to read books, hey Momma can you read this to me now?"
Whats your favorite thing about Florida? "The beach and the park"
What's your favorite country, "uh Canada and Washington"
What was your favorite part of your birthday, "the balloons and 4wheeler--I love my 4wheeler"
"Hey mom, I don't want too much talk because I'm tired and need to have a nap, could you read this book quickly?"
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