The birthday celebration not on your actual birthday was a little hard to grasp but quickly embraced.
Not the most impressive cake I've ever made, I ran out of M&M's half way around but decided to go with it.
Paul continued eating his green beans and potatoes through dessert
We called in some reinforcement from next door to help with cake consumption.
In case you didn't know. Thomas the train is kinda a big deal in this house.
Nanny and Grandad support this addiction. In fact, between my parents and my sister, Matt and I have not purchased a single piece out of his millions.
The latest- Thomas takes a naps periodically in his assigned quarters. I fear he may suffer from narcolepsy.
Not to take away from their generous nature, but I think it is a mutual obsession.
William and Dad played trains their entire visit.
and I am NOT exaggerating.
Poor Paul was usually removed from the vicinity as he tended to brake everything or chew on key pieces of their construction.
Don't feel too bad for him, he usually ended up in Nanny's arms.
When the real day finally arrived, we covered our apartment with green balloons.
Green is also kinda a big deal in this house.
William had been asking for a "baby green fan" for his birthday for weeks.
Thats right, a fan.
I cannot describe the weird and strange obsession immense love my son has for fans.
Did you know how many places have them? EVERY store. Did you know there are usually lots of them? Cause I do. Where ever we go they are pointed out and re pointed out if I don't express enough believable excitement. If they have one at the cash register he asks the person working if they can turn it on.
Fans are a big deal.
I searched Klamath Falls high and low for a baby green fan but it seems no one shares a love of miniature personalized fans like my 3 year old.
But amazon never fails me.
That's right I bought him a little green fan and he was thrilled. He asked to take it with him where ever we went and I allowed it once. He wouldn't stop plugging it in and out all over the room. Air must properly be ventilated, you know! I got too many weird looks from other mothers, appalled that I would let my child near an electrical outlet. He is no longer allowed to bring "fan" out of his room.
And of course, the traditional birthday pancake, because you need candles in every meal on your birthday.
Matt was working on Will's birthday day but we met up on his lunch break for William's favorite lunch -- "Old McDonalds" happy meal -- cause we're classy like that.
We then took a temporary break form his birthday to go with our realtor to see some potential homes.
This resulted in a trip to the Dr's office after falling down exterior cement stairs.
Because his hands were occupied from holding on to his McDonalds halloween bucket, his head took the blow.
Now every time we're at the Dr's he demands the "Birthday treatment"-- suckers, balloons, and stickers.
Side note: we did not buy that house.
I can't remember if this was on the same day, but our little pre-school group had a halloween party and William still had his bandaid so it must have been within 48 hours of first application.
I did not prompt him to strike this pose.

That night we took Will bowling with some friends as a last second idea because apparently I suck at planning parties all of a sudden.
A little about 3 year old William mixed in with some pictures from his birthday month:
YOU are hilarious! Every day you have me laughing with you're outrageous comments.
You are a shrude negotiator. "Mom I would like some milk, okay? I just wan't it so that's your options."
"No no no, listen. You are wrong, okay. Maybe later when you change your mind we can talk about it"
"Mom I just don't want to clean up because I don't, how bout you do it."
"William please finish your lunch." "Okay mom I'll finish it and then I get a treat."
"Mom, can we go to the store and buy chocolate?"
Most of his negotiations revolve around food and watching his shows (daniel tiger and cars, respectively
You are still a very selective and picky eater which drives this lady crazy.
You make up songs about daily activities and expect me to know the words and sing along.
You are kind, mostly, to your brother and protect him
You're smooth. "Mom it makes me happy when you give me a treat." "Mom, you're beautiful. Can I have ice cream?" "I love you just the way you are, can we go to friends house?" "It would be so fun to have chocolate milk!"
You love to make us laugh and try hard to multiple times a day
You have an unbelievable memory. I often tell you my grocery list and then ask you what I've forgotten at the store- you remember
You are very sensitive to emotions of others. When some one is sick you like to bring them your blankets or a glass of water. When I'm frustrated or stressed you look at me and say, "Mom, are you happy?" and then you say "Mom, I like you just the way you are."
I don't think you fully understand what that means but it melts my heart each time you say it.
You are so curious as to how things work. You like to "fix" things and pull them apart
You sing along to the radio in the car
I really don't remember what I did without you by my side each day. You are the sweetest and most opinionated 3 year old I've ever met.
And we love you, just the way you are.
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