October was the month that our sweet infant turned 2. What the heck!!
Basically this,
has turned into this,
and I think I'm okay with it.
Firstly his stats:
Height 34 1/2" 54th percentile
Weight 28.2 lbs 53rd percentile
Head 18 1/2" 12th percentile
William has turned into a full fledge 2 year old complete with meltdowns over sharing toys and brushing his teeth. I've heard lots about terrible twos and would say that
so far they are much better than his mood swings at 18 months. William seems to have learned enough vocabulary to get his points mostly across and that has helped SO MUCH.
When we were at the Dr's office she said, "He's supposed to have a vocabulary of 20-25 words but I think he's said 50 since I've entered the room five minutes ago." This little boy is a talker. He has a voice and wants it to be heard! He is also stringing words together into sentences which is really making me laugh because sometimes they don't entirely make sense or apply to the situation. Others I question his comprehension and attribute it to just having heard it before.
He is very social and waves to say hello/good morning/goodbye to almost everyone in every store we go to. He's become pretty possessive of toys and will say, "No, won't take it" ALL the time whenever a child so much as looks at what he's playing with. He actually is pretty good at sharing once he establishes the personality of the child he is playing with. A certain level of trust must be established before sharing takes place.
His favourite things are his train set, anything with wheels, and his duplo blocks (larger lego). He's started to create things with his blocks and have an imagination about what they are. I could watch him play with them all day. He most frequently builds a "tall tower" "air plane" "tractor" and "under" (bridge)

He's gotten better at eating different foods but his favourites are butter chicken, curry and chocolate. I didn't know anyone who loved chocolate more than me but I think he just might have me beat. William is also obsessed with shoes. He will try to wear anyones shoes once they have come in and left them by the door. Big, small, high heels, slippers it doesn't seem to matter. I've taken him to the new Nordstrom Rack a few times and when we walk down the isle of shoes he'll squeal with delight, "oooh shoes!" and then want to hold them all. I see many shoe and chocolate shopping trips in our future together. I should note that his shoe of choice in any weather or wardrobe are his batman rain boots.

As his phrases and vocabulary have increased it has become more and more fun playing and interacting with him. It's also been interesting to see the things that he notices. I am always notified when there is a "big truck" "city school bus" or any form of construction equipment. He names each truck individually and correctly. I just take his world for it when he says, "skid steer" because I don't actually know which one that is.
I didn't actually get to throwing a party for William due to Matt's insane schedule but Nanny and Grandad paid a visit the week before.
We went to the pumpkin patch
Fed goats
Checked out tractors
Ran threw corn mazes
and even rode on a "cow train" with Nanny
Thanks Nanny for being such a good sport... and for being the only one under the weight restriction with William included ahah.
It was just a quick trip but we sure crammed in a day of fun together.
We miss you!
October is one of my favourite months. I love fall and all it's activities. This October also re-kindled my love of Halloween. It's just so much better with kids.
carving a pumpkin seemed like too much of a hazard and to be honest neither Matt or I even enjoy it... William LOVED painting his "bunkin" instead and no fingers were cut off.
He was also a very enthusiastic Spider Man.
We did a few dry runs on the whole trick-or-treat business. He got good at the knocking, picking out the candy and saying thank you but never actually said trick or treat to anyone.
We went out kinda early to just a few of our friends apartments. William picked out one candy when he got home and ate it. After that we just pored his candy into ours that we handed out. He woke up the next morning and said, "all gone chocolate." Pretty sure it's not going to be that easy next year.
Last night as a one year old.
Auntie Lindsay went a little crazy and bought William enough train tracks and accessories to cover our entire apartment.
He was pretty overwhelmed
Breakfast of a 2 year old champion
I wanted to get a picture of the "2" before he started eating but he was so impatient and cried when he couldn't lift it up in perfectly bite sized pieces.
Thankfully most things are forgotten quickly
William and I had a great day filled with all of his favourite food and activities. Matt was busy at school but that weekend we took him to the science factory as a family.
Even though it was pretty low key I know he had a blast and so did I. I love spending my days with this sweet boy. Happy 2 years, Son. We love you!
October also held Canadian Thanksgiving. It was delicious and we had a party with great friends but I'm too tired writing about October so you'll just have to take my word on it and salivate over the picture of our turkey.
It was hands down the BEST turkey I've ever had and that is saying something because my mom makes a mean bird! Matthew, I would have married you for your poultry expertise alone.