Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Matthew. Emma. William. Paul

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sisterhood of the traveling purple velour?

There has never been a time in my life when I was not blessed with wonderful friends. Each one brings a different perspective and sense of humor to the table that I love! 
While I have many true and dear friends, this posting it a tribute to Sylvia on her birthday month.
Oh how I miss this girl!!

And my tan...

I think we can all remember some pretty crappy birthday presents through the years. The most comical are defiantly ones from ex-boyfriends...ha.
One year Sylvia received a "gem" of a present form an ex-boyfriend, who will remain anonymous.
A purple velour sweater..... just what every girl wants....

Remember when JLo made velour jumpsuits "cool"? Allow me to remind you of those dreadful days, circa 2001

My guess is she was watching signefeild when she got the idea,

poor judgement Jenny-from-the-block! 

These jumpsuits were unfortunate attire in the early 2000's but now, years later and out of high-school they are a much more serious crime. 
Men if you want to end a relationship, purchase velour.

So with this crappy thoughtful gift, what was she to do?
...obviously re-gift it to the one person who hated it even more then her

This heinous sweater has become a sick tradition of ours. We pass it back and forth after adding something equally disgusting to it. 

Broken scull with roses and the writing, "Love grows" First addition

Golden accent on the cuff, second addition 

black sequence bow, third addition and the jewelry ring zipper fourth addition

Oh yeah, and then we make the other go out to dinner while wearing it...

So Syl, get excited because the sweater is ready for you!! Bah ha 

Happy Birthday month! I miss you

1 comment:

  1. hi
    I am interested in the velour sweater
    I pay what they want.
    I offer 150 to 200 euros.
    or what they want.
    please please write to me

