Today marks 31 weeks of pregnancy and starts a single digit (week) countdown. Only 9 more to go!
Anyone in their third trimester probably wont be "up beat" about their current situation. If you ever meet someone who is- don't trust them, they're bat crazy! There's a huge difference between feeling crapy but having a positive attitude about the blessing of a baby. BUT lets not go over board and say you love it. Because you don't. You just don't.
"Oh yeah I just love having heartburn when I drink water. Okay great I'll stay away from spicy food. Thanks for your expertise"
"Excuse me, I can't read out loud and breath at the same time, hold on."
"Nah, I love getting my husband to take on and off my boots. Independence is over rated"
"Yes. I would love your input on my pregnancy stranger... tell me more"
During my first pregnancy, it took a long time for me to start "showing." Sure, I looked bigger than usual but for the most part I was in an awkward "is she just fat?" stage. It was terrible. I would get comments from people like, "Is everything okay with the baby?" Here's a tip- never say that to an overly hormonal pregnant woman. Ever.
This pregnancy that is not so much of an issue, as I am clearly showing a lot sooner. Here I am at 19 weeks and after our ultrasound.
It's a BOY.
I was completely convinced otherwise. It was a total shock for both Matt and I when the ultra sound tech said boy. Clearly I have zero motherly intuition when it comes to that sort of thing. Everyone told me that pregnancies of boys feel so different from that of girls. Since day one this has been entirely different so there blows that theory.
Here's 21 weeks.
Still feeling pretty good and can comfortably bend to put on shoes.
Here's a comparasen of 22 weeks. Although, to be truthful I think the one on the left is actually 23 weeks. If you can pick a favourite child based on pregnancy then William's the golden child so far.
Here's a 26 week update.
Status: completely uncomfortable
Either I'm carrying this child significantly higher or he's significantly bigger because everyday is a fight against my rib cage. William never once came in contact with my ribs. He preferred soccer punching my bladder. I haven't decided which one I prefer.
Baby #2's preference of ribs has enabled me to keep up my running. When I say that please know that my time per mile has increased by at least 2-3 minutes and I never run over 4 miles. I figured I would run until it got uncomfortable and that hasn't happened yet so I continue.
It's hard to not want to run being in Eugene. It's always such a beautiful cool morning and when you have a sweet running partner, why not.
29 Weeks. Large and in charge
Over thanksgiving weekend we ran the Turkey Trot 5k (30 weeks pregnant)
Let's be honest, running while pregnant makes me feel hardcore. I don't have many opportunities to feel hardcore as a mother of a two year old so I take it.
In other pregnancy news I have been wanting to consume an entire dove chocolate bar a day. The other night I told Matt that I was having a pregnancy craving and was in need of chocolate immediately. I then said that this baby better come sooner than later because of all the chocolate I was eating. My loving husband looked at me square in the face and said, "Emma, it's not the baby."
Although I can not confirm or deny his claim, I laughed hysterically and still asked for the chocolate.
I am growing more and more impatient every day. I think because I had William in October I felt as though this baby should have been here by then to. Obviously that would have been terrible and I want him to stay in until he's healthy and strong blah blah blah. I want this baby in my arms. Like, now!
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